singer and performer Eda Maxym’s passion for
music has propelled her far and wide around the globe and is reflected
in her unique musical collaborations and songs.
As a member of innovative San Francisco bands Trance Mission and Beasts
of Paradise she has performed in numerous venues including the
Great American Music Hall, the Fillmore, the Rio Theatre, as well as major concert
halls and celebrated festivals all over Europe. She has toured and recorded with
master didjeridu player and multi-instrumentalist Stephen Kent for many years.
She has also worked with many other musicians in the US and Europe, composed
for dance companies, and has a long and varied collection of recordings and soundtrack
Imagination Club
celestial and deeply connected to the earth, Eda
Maxym's Imagination Club is a serious jumping
off place for intensely sensual vocals, unexpected and highly evocative
instrumentation, and near perfect pacing on the new musical frontier
where Miles Davis, The Beatles, and other nefarious characters
wait in the wings with their mouths hanging open, listening to
their influences being taken to the next level. A wondrous collaboration
of vocal, instrumental, and spoken word magic exquisitely produced.”
- Sandy Miranda KPFA producer/host
Beasts of Paradise
"There are five members of Beasts of Paradise, but the focal point is Eda
Maxym, a torch singer with tremendous range and versatility. Her emotional outbursts
and warm style -- both casual and focused -- captivate listeners. While Maxym's
vocals steal the show…the esoteric sounds are world fusion with ambient
textures and timbres. There are vague echoes of rock & roll as well. However,
it always comes back to Maxym's vocal skills, which are considerable and powerful."
- All Music Guide
"Efforts to tag the many dimensions of San Francisco's Trance Mission have
churned up amalgams of words like ethnic, ambient, techno, tribal, post-industrial
and trance, but even tacking on the obvious "world music" designation
wouldn't cover the half of it. At a time when the gaps between East and West,
old world and new world, are closing in, Trance Mission stitches together instruments
and atmospheres from the four corners of the Earth to create a blanket of sounds
that seems to exist beyond the stratosphere."
- Trouser Press


So I started life out
in New York and after a particularly hot summer spent in front
of my fan listening to lovers’ spats
outside my window living above what used to be the St. Marks Bar
and Grill, I traded the intensity of Manhattan for the expansiveness
of the New Mexican desert as I drove my college degree West and
landed a job as a waitress. New Mexico blew me wide open and the
little apartment I was renting had a sleeping alcove surrounded
by windows where I fell asleep every night watching the most remarkable
night sky.
There are so many
lights in this world, they can block out the moon and the stories
stars, and so many roads in this world,
so many planes and busses and cars…
Oh, the rich knowledge of the land, Oh, the rich knowledge of the
land..” (lyrics from So Many Lights by Eda Maxym)
A few years later, nothing
like a major heartbreak to set the wheels going, this time as
far West as I could go in my little
car, to San Francisco…it was the rainiest fall in years,
with houses sliding down hills…I hunkered down in my hidden
away funky old flat with my new neighbor, the very eccentric poet
Robert Anthony. I started what would turn out to be a most interesting
adventure in San Francisco with friends and artists of all kinds,
camping with redwoods and collecting stones on nude beaches, getting
the gardening bug big time, working as a carpenter and set painter,
playing in a band and writing music and performing in a dark comedy
cabaret group, Hyena Cabaret.
Threading through all
my experiences was my passion, almost obsession, for music from
around the world, and I spent all my spare money
and time hanging out in my local and not so local record stores.
I discovered Oum Koultsom, Fado music, and of course, lots and
lots of African Music…old Americana, classic Operas, Cuban,
you name it, I was listening to it all and making mix tapes for
my friends all night long. I did a few shows as a guest radio programmer,
did some other gigs here and there all around the Bay Area.
I traveled to West Africa
where I danced on New Year’s Eve
with thousands of people in a stadium in Dakar to the music of
Youssou N’Dour, one of the highest musical experiences of
my life. Then I drove with my two other traveling companions across
the Malian desert in a broken down Peugeot where there was no road
listening to cassette tapes given by dear new Malian friends, going
into trance at a drumming Ceremony in the middle of I don’t
even know where…In Bamako I won a beauty or dance contest,
I can’t remember, and was given a tube of African face cream
as the prize, which I still keep intact. I think it was at the
old train station turned concert venue in Bamako, dancing with
someone who will forever remain nameless…I traveled to Russia,
Europe, South America and the quietest place on Earth, so profoundly
silent and beautiful, Antarctica.
“Where? Where
has the water been in my morning cuppa tea?
Did trilobites swim, was it the juice in apple’s Eve?
Where? Did it run underground, did it climb in a cloud, did it
silently flow, or did it rush so loud?” (lyrics
from Cuppa Tea by Eda Maxym)
In the nineties in San
Francisco I recorded and toured with the bands Beasts of Paradise
and Trance Mission, had my daughter Stella
Karuna a few months after a favorite gig experience in Bisbee Arizona,
then toured around Europe when she was a few months old and continued
traveling on and off in Europe in a little caravan with my family,
playing festivals, smuggling a Mongolian nanny with us into Austria,
visiting the remarkable Damanhur, where Stephen played a concert
with a tree that was wired for sound (yes, that’s right…long
story!) on the way from Switzerland to a gig in the South of France…so
many traveler’s tales…like so many travelers I know
well or have met briefly along the way…Sometimes I love nothing
more than to be on the road and sometimes I just want to be picking
tomatoes from my garden. It’s always a challenge to try to
strike that balance between the two.

Stephen Kent & Eda
I’ve collaborated
with many musicians, made over a dozen recordings with various
bands and projects, and have played so
many different kinds of venues, from vast open air Festivals with
many thousands of people, to gigs where more people were in my
band than people who showed up to hear us play.
I have learned so much from all of those experiences, whether
they have been exhilarating or deeply disappointing. And
never forget that crazy guy in Warsaw, the mad Lithuanian who went
to find us food in the wee hours after a show….
For the last 10 years I have been doing Ceremony with two very
remarkable traditional Medicine people from the Huichol tribe,
or Wirrarika, as they preferred to be called. The work I have done
with them has been very deep and without the healing that I have
experienced in those gatherings I would be a very different person
than I am now, and not as likely to have been able to follow my
path in the way that I am able to do at this time. I will always
be very grateful to them for allowing me to experience real unconditional
love, a rare reality in the culture I grew up in.
Now I find myself working
with a new band, a gathering of musicians I call the Imagination
Club. I’ve just released my second
recording with that band, Circle of Sparks. My life seems to be
about trying to find a balance between all the things that pull
me in so many directions. Family, gardening, schedules and commitments,
school happenings, walking the dog, retreat time, meetings with
the Muse, and on and on…throughout it all I remain committed
to learning and discovering more about my own design and where
it will take me. So far it has been a very intriguing journey,
sometimes extremely challenging and sometimes truly magnificent,
and I look forward to going many more places as yet to be discovered…

Jane Selkye
& Eda